The Smart Guide
to the
Best Online Colleges
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Make A Smart Choice
What do you want to be when you grow up? All grown-up and still don't know? The Online College Wiz has compiled all the popular majors for you! Explore and find your college degree path.
How Do I Become an Online Student?

Step 1 - Choose Your Major
Read through our website's expert guides, FAQ's, and well-researched college rankings. Read up on our job descriptions, outlooks and expectations for your chosen degree path.

Step 2 - Discuss your Decision
Talk to trusted friends and family before attempting an online degree program. Listen for sound advice when assessing your needs and requirements; they will know your situation best.

Step 3 - Dive in!
Gather up references, test scores and transcripts for the application process. We have many articles with helpful tips to make it all go smoothly. Take your time, be thorough, and prepare for the best time of you life.
Who's Who of Online Learners *
*sourced from a 2015-16 USN&WR survey
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